If your child is eligible for free school meals, you can now book 4 days per week for free online. To check if your child is elegible visit website page for Free school meals
We're pleased to be working East Sussex County Council (ESCC) in bringing enrichment activity opportunities to communities. This funding supports those who receive benefit-related free school meals to attend our Camp Active programme for 4 days a week, with a nutricious meal provided each day. If you'd like to complete the week, you may book and pay for an additional day. Its aim is to Increase physical activity throughout the holidays, build confidence, self esteem and provide improved knowledge of healthier eating options.
All our funded programmes are highlighted in gold.
Parent information WHAT TO WEAR & BRING TO CAMP ACTIVE Please ensure your child wears comfortable clothing and trainers for running around in and plenty of non fizzy drink. A packed lunch will be required if your child is booked in with us all day and a fruit or veg snack for break time. Water proof clothing will be needed incase of bad weather. We will contact you prior to the day if any additional items will be needed for specific activities.
Booking information BOOK ONLINE & RECEIVE A 10% SIBLING DISCOUNT Welcome to our online booking system. Please complete the booking in full as the details you provide will be used to contact you if we need to. Once booked you'll receive a booking confirmation from us to confirm you childs booking. Your child's place will only be confirmed once payment has been received. |
Christmas Booking
and receive a 10% Sibling Discount
T&Cs: by booking your child onto our Funded holiday programme, you are informing us that you meet the required criteria and your child receives benefit-related free schools meals. If you fail to meet this criteria you will be charged the standard daily rates for your booking.